Bruce Kulick ESP Clinic at Bizarre Guitar
Bruce Kulick ESP Clinic at Bizarre Guitar

Everyone in the Reno, NV area, take note: mark your calendars for Thursday July 2, when Bruce Kulick will be at Greg Golden's Bizarre Guitar from 4-6PM for a free ESP clinic, live performance, and Q&A session. Bruce needs no introduction; as the longtime ESP player who's rocked in Kiss and Grand Funk Railroad, he delivers great guitar playing as well as fun stories from his extensive experience as a touring and recording guitar player in some of the world's most famous (and infamous) rock bands.
NOTE: The clinic is free, but Bizarre Guitar is requesting that each attendee bring a canned food item to help benefit the Food Bank of Northern Nevada. Sounds like a good deal for everyone! Contact Bizarre Guitar for more info.
Bizarre Guitar
2677 Oddie Blvd.
Reno, NV