Aitor EpaS
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Aitor EpaS liked the comment on Aitor EpaS hey mate thanks for the ad. here is a group i started feel free to join ......MORE »

Aitor EpaS became friends with Marcos B.

Aitor EpaS liked the video Aitor Epas on his EC-1000VB

Aitor EpaS posted a comment on the video Aitor Epas on his EC-1000VB
Muchas gracias ......MORE »

Aitor EpaS became friends with Drew Z.

Aitor EpaS uploaded the video As i lay dying - Parallels Solo!

Aitor EpaS became friends with FranticRage101

Aitor EpaS uploaded the video Trivium - Like light to the flies solo tutorial!
In an attempt to reduce spam, comments on content older than one year cannot be posted. hey mate thanks for the ad. here is a group i started feel free to join
Hey Aitor, what's up?
Sorry disturbing you, but can u send a like my ESP Custom Model, please?
If u have a custom model send me and I'll be happy in like them too.