Darren Stroud: AC/DC Medley on the LTD TE-201

Darren Stroud: AC/DC Medley on the LTD TE-201

ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! Darren Stroud is one of our most prolific contributors to the All Access community, having submitted dozens and dozens of videos over the years. This one is particularly fun; he's...
Ville Koskinen: "VHS Shred" on the LTD M-200FM and LTD Deluxe SN-1000 EverTune

Ville Koskinen: "VHS Shred" on the LTD M-200FM and LTD Deluxe SN-1000 EverTune

ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! This is one of the most fun video submissions we've seen in a good while. Community member Ville Koskinen says, "This video is my tribute to the awesome guitar tutorial videos of the...
Malxolm Brixkhouse: "Caroline" playthrough on an LTD TE-1000

Malxolm Brixkhouse: "Caroline" playthrough on an LTD TE-1000

ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! Community member Malxolm Brixkhouse first got noticed by ESP in the early 2010s when he was a pre-teen in a band named Unlocking the Truth. Today he's pursuing a solo career, but is...
Paajanenae: "Dreams" playthrough cover on an ESP Amaze bass

Paajanenae: "Dreams" playthrough cover on an ESP Amaze bass

ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! It's always cool when we see a video upload from an All Access member we hadn't featured previously, and today, it's Paajanenae on his ESP Amaze bass doing a playthrough cover of...
Late Honkola: Atmospheric Tones on the ESP Eclipse

Late Honkola: Atmospheric Tones on the ESP Eclipse

ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! Community member Late Honkola has contributed a ton of cool videos over the years. In this one, he's using his ESP Original Series Eclipse-II CTM Baritone in Volcano Red finish (with...
 Nikola Gochev: "Awaken" on the LTD Deluxe EC-1000 Duncan Vintage Black (playthrough)

Nikola Gochev: "Awaken" on the LTD Deluxe EC-1000 Duncan Vintage Black (playthrough)

ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! Here's community member Nikola Gochev doing a great playthrough cover of "Awaken" by Breaking Benjamin, using his LTD Deluxe EC-1000 Duncan Vintage Black. This guitar has remained...
Mike Drost: "Blind & Oblivious" on the LTD Deluxe Arrow-1000

Mike Drost: "Blind & Oblivious" on the LTD Deluxe Arrow-1000

ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! Here's community member Mike Drost doing a playthrough of his band Hero and The Horror's song "Blind & Oblivious" using his LTD Deluxe Arrow-1000 in Dark Brown Sunburst Satin...
 Giovanni Rovatti: "Cognitive Occupation" on the ESP E-II M-II

Giovanni Rovatti: "Cognitive Occupation" on the ESP E-II M-II

ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! As we musicians know very well, guitarists don't all sound alike, play alike, or look alike. But sometimes even we are guilty of judging a book by its cover. In the case of community...
Dr. Lena Böhme: "Driving in Style" on the ESP E-II Arrow

Dr. Lena Böhme: "Driving in Style" on the ESP E-II Arrow

ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! Every time community member Lena Böhme posts a video to the ESP site, we know it's going to rock. This is no exception, with her playthrough cover of "Driving in Style," a 2020...
Darren Stroud: "Jingle Bells" Metal on an LTD TE-200

Darren Stroud: "Jingle Bells" Metal on an LTD TE-200

ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! We can always count on community member Darren Stroud to liven up the holidays... like, literally all the holidays. He's back again with this rollicking rendition of the seasonal...
Nick Over: "The Beginning" on an LTD M-HT Arctic Metal

Nick Over: "The Beginning" on an LTD M-HT Arctic Metal

ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! Here's community member Nick Over from Italy, using his LTD M-HT Arctic Metal (the white-out version of the M-HT Black Metal) on his song "The Beginning." On his profile, Nick lists...
Trashgreen: Thrashy Goodness on an ESP Eclipse-I FR

Trashgreen: Thrashy Goodness on an ESP Eclipse-I FR

ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! Here's longtime community member Trashgreen, a Denmark-based guitarist and big-time collector of ESP guitars, doing a great thrash track using his ESP Original Series Eclipse-I FR in...
Francesco Fareri: "Flight of the Bumblebee" on an E-II Horizon

Francesco Fareri: "Flight of the Bumblebee" on an E-II Horizon

ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! Community member Francesco Fareri is part of the ESP artist family, but like everyone who uses ESP Guitars to do their best work, he's also a part of ESP All Access. This video shows...
Brendan Breakdown and Arianne Márquez: Heavy Riffs on the E-II Eclipse and LTD Axxion

Brendan Breakdown and Arianne Márquez: Heavy Riffs on the E-II Eclipse and LTD Axxion

ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! Community member Brendan Breakdown has taken advantage of ESP All Access more than just about any other person, connecting with musicians around the world to collaborate on new music...
Mr. Seidel: "Within The Eyes" (playthrough)

Mr. Seidel: "Within The Eyes" (playthrough)

ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! A reminder to everyone: the ESP All Access community is made up of all kinds of guitar players around the world. Many of you are typical musicians, playing primarily because it's...
Antoine I: "Mea Culpa (Ah! Ça ira!)" (playthrough cover)

Antoine I: "Mea Culpa (Ah! Ça ira!)" (playthrough cover)

ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! We knew one of you was going to do a cover of this eventually! Here's community member Antoine I with a cover of a song that electrified the world this past summer when Gojira...
Jean Patton & Luis Kalil: "Master of Puppets" Cover

Jean Patton & Luis Kalil: "Master of Puppets" Cover

ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! A reminder to you all: the ESP All Access community is made up of all kinds of players at all levels of skill and success. This time, we're happy to present a video submission by two...
Kenji Inoue: "Kapatid" on the ESP E-II Eclipse (playthrough cover)

Kenji Inoue: "Kapatid" on the ESP E-II Eclipse (playthrough cover)

ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! A newcomer to the ESP community, Kenji Inoue posted this playthrough of a section of Disciple Blitz's song "Kapatid" using his ESP E-II Eclipse DB in Vintage Black finish. Built at...
Anthony Lumpkins: "STFU" (playthrough cover)

Anthony Lumpkins: "STFU" (playthrough cover)

ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! We've had a few occasions to share the video submissions of left-handed community member Anthony Lumpkins, and this time he's got a brand-new guitar to show off... an LTD Deluxe...
Mac OTS: Prog Shred on a 1992 ESP M-II Deluxe

Mac OTS: Prog Shred on a 1992 ESP M-II Deluxe

ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! We love it when there's a story behind a video submission via our global community, and member Mac OTS definitely has one for this short progressive shred piece. He's the original...
Silvère Escande: "Interitus" (guitar playthrough)

Silvère Escande: "Interitus" (guitar playthrough)

ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! Here's community member Silvère Escande with his bandmate in French melodic deathcore band Kami No Ikari doing a guitar playthrough of their song "Interitus" respectively using their...
Victor Kovalchuk: Drop-C Brutality on the LTD EC-401

Victor Kovalchuk: Drop-C Brutality on the LTD EC-401

ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! We always take notice when we get a new submission from Ukraine-based community member Victor Kovalchuk. This time, he's picked up an LTD EC-401 in Charcoal Satin finish, and finds...
Akigo777: Killer Tones on the ESP M-II

Akigo777: Killer Tones on the ESP M-II

ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! This seems to be the first time we've featured a video submission by community member Akigo777, and we like what we hear. It seems like he made this video to show off his amp...
Joan Rockguitar: "Hold the Line" Solo (playthrough cover)

Joan Rockguitar: "Hold the Line" Solo (playthrough cover)

ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! Here's community member Joan Rockguitar with a playthrough cover of classic rock moment: the solo from "Hold the Line," the debut single of pop/rock band Toto from 1978. It was this...
Brendan Breakdown, Darren Stroud, Rocky Gray: Three-Way ESP Shred

Brendan Breakdown, Darren Stroud, Rocky Gray: Three-Way ESP Shred

ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! We have to note that this is a first. All Access member Brendan Breakdown connected with two other ESP community members, Darren Stroud and Rocky Gray, to do this epic 3-way...
Chris Weinhardt: ESP E-II FRX in Drop C

Chris Weinhardt: ESP E-II FRX in Drop C

ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! Here's community member Chris Weinhardt with a short but very sweet melodic death metal demo using his ESP E-II FRX, downtuned to drop C. The FRX is made for this... providing...
Ville Koskinen: Live Bass Solo on the LTD B-206SM

Ville Koskinen: Live Bass Solo on the LTD B-206SM

ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! Okay, here's an old and pretty dumb joke that we still enjoy. A couple goes to see a marriage counselor. They say their marriage is on the rocks because they never speak to each...
Dave Sevenstrings: "Mega Man X - Sigma's Stage 2" (Cover)

Dave Sevenstrings: "Mega Man X - Sigma's Stage 2" (Cover)

ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! We always enjoy when community member Dave Sevenstrings posts a new video here. Most of his submissions are metal covers of video game soundtracks, and he does them well. Today's...
Bilal S: "Dyers Eve" (playthrough cover) on the LTD Deluxe M-1000

Bilal S: "Dyers Eve" (playthrough cover) on the LTD Deluxe M-1000

ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! Here's community member Bilal S. with a playthrough cover of "Dyers Eve", the final track off Metallica's landmark 1988 album ...And Justice for All. Fun fact: "Dyers Eve" is...
Trashgreen: Keeping It Clean on the LTD Bill Kelliher BK-600

Trashgreen: Keeping It Clean on the LTD Bill Kelliher BK-600

ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! One thing that great musicians understand: there is no single tone that's appropriate for every composition and performance style. While a lot of people who play the LTD Bill...