September 2014 Points Winners
September 2014 Points Winners

We’re glad that our revamped site points system for the ESP community is working out well for everyone, and we’re happy to announce our first month’s winners! Remember, the points start at zero for everyone each month, so the best contributors to the ESP community have a chance to win every month, no matter how long you’ve been participating on the site.
First Prize (September 2014): Joseph Olea
Extend your congratulations to Joseph Olea. For his contributions to the ESP community, he wins an LTD guitar, as well as a package of ESP merchandise, and a year of free online lessons from Dangerous Guitar.
Second-Fifth Place Runners Up
Congrats also go out to Bartosz Schroder, Guntur Satrya Saputro, Doug Gross, and Arnaud. They will be the recipients of the “ESP Swag Pack” which includes various ESP merchandise, as well as a year of free online guitar or bass lessons. Enjoy it, people! You earned it!
Sixth-Tenth Place Runners Up
Finally for September 2014, a tip of the ESP cap to Orlando Acevedo, Carlos Portillo, Adam Wyatt, Shafquat Hossain Chowdhury, and Dylan Whipper. Each of them will receive a download code for a year of free online lessons from Dangerous Guitar.
Get Your Points Rolling in October!
It’s a new month, and everyone has an opportunity to cash in on a new month of prizes. Who will be the MVC (Most Valuable Contributor) to the ESP community and take home a free guitar? Perhaps it’s you! If you haven't yet joined the ESP community, sign up right now. For a complete list of activities in the ESP community that allow you to earn points, look here.