ESP Clinics in India with Prashant Aswani
ESP Clinics in India with Prashant Aswani

We have a special treat for all ESP fans in India: for the first time, ESP player Prashant Aswani is doing a clinic tour of the country, held in conjunction with ESP's official distributor for India, Furtados. Not only has Prashant been an ESP player for over 20 years... he is also a virtuoso-level guitarist who will inspire any player looking to get new ideas for composition or performance. Prashant also knows more about ESP/LTD guitars and basses than just about anyone, so each clinic will be extraordinarily educational and fun. These events are free to attend, and two clinics have been scheduled:
April 1: Kolkata
Calcutta School of Music
Ballygunge Pahdi, Kolkata
West Bengal 700019
April 10: Delhi
Delhi School of Music
Chanakyapuri, New Delhi
Delhi 110021
For more details, visit the Furtados web site at