Five Reasons the LTD Junior Series Is So Cool
Five Reasons the LTD Junior Series Is So Cool

1. Awesome for Kids
It's pretty obvious, right? When you're small, there's an unfair disadvantage while learning to play guitar or bass. Your hands are small, so just holding your instrument and reaching for frets can be a huge challenge. With the LTD Junior Series, you get a 3/4-scale guitar or bass that's perfect for smaller rockers, which tends to mean that the kid will stick with the instrument and not put it down in frustration.
2. No Compromise
We've heard from many parents who want to buy a smaller guitar for their son or daughter, but the choices they have are, let's say, pretty limiting. Not only do they often have to compromise in quality, but also in the cool factor. Not everyone wants to settle for a poorly-made instrument, or to force a kid to play a sparkly pink guitar with flowers on it. If your son or daughter is destined to be a real rocker, get them started on the right path!
3. Go Places
So, you're headed out on a trip, but the car is already jam-packed. Or worse, you're getting on a plane, and the flight attendants are giving you dirty looks as you try and shoehorn your full-size guitar into the overhead compartment. Or much, much worse, you arrive at your destination to find your precious #1 guitar broken into six pieces. How about leaving that guitar in the safety of your home, and bringing along an LTD Junior guitar instead? You even get a free gig bag case with each Junior model, so you know they're fully intended to go places beyond your bedroom!
4. There Are Smaller Adults, Too
Humans are weird, in many ways. One of those ways is that we're not all the same size, by a long shot, and there are plenty of people with smaller hands and less arm reach who feel that they are excluded from playing a cool guitar. Well, small people rejoice! The LTD Junior Series are 3/4 scale... 20.5" for the EC-JR and F-JR guitars, and 28.5" for the B-4 JR bass. Just about everyone can comfortably play these instruments.
5. Have Fun!
Let's say you're a person of average proportions who wants something different. Look, little guitars are a blast to play. With an LTD Junior, you can have a little guitar for your office or den that you can grab and start jamming on without a second thought. Also, if you want your audience to trip out, there's nothing like hitting the stage with a guitar or bass that makes you look like Shaquille O'Neal in comparison to your instrument. Buy one and use it on your next recording... no one will be able to figure out how you're doing those insane chord voicings that would be impossible on a full size guitar.
LTD Junior Series instruments are available at your ESP dealer, or just click here to get all the info!