March 10: Frank Bello (Anthrax) Bass Clinic in Chile
March 10: Frank Bello (Anthrax) Bass Clinic in Chile

If you're a metalhead, it's not news to you that Anthrax has a great new album (For All Kings) out now, and has begun an epic tour along with Iron Maiden that has them heading through Mexico and South America before heading to Europe and points beyond. But if you happen to be in Santiago, Chile, you get an extra treat. ESP bass playing madman Frank Bello is doing an exclusive clinic sponsored by ESP and Hartke at Audiomusica Megatienda on Thursday March 10.
Frank is a personable and entertaining storyteller, and you'll see for yourself why his ESP Signature Series basses and Hartke amps work so well for him both on stage and in the studio. This event also includes a meet-and-greet and signing session. Contact Audiomusica for more details.
Frank Bello ESP/Hartke Clinic
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Audiomusica Megatienda
Av. Chile España #393
Ñuñoa - Santiago
+56 2 2384 2000