ESP Rockers at Slovakia's Gothoom Open Air Fest
ESP Rockers at Slovakia's Gothoom Open Air Fest

We don't get to do many stories about metal events in Slovakia. We're also willing to bet that a good number of you don't know where Slovakia is. However, one thing you should all know about this Eastern European country is that it rocks, and this July, the volume is going to be turned way up for the Gothoom Festival being held in the village of Ostry Grun. Making this metal fest the best it can be is the presence of multiple bands whose members use ESP guitars and basses, including Marduk, Rotting Christ, Napalm Death, and Cattle Decapitation.
Marduk is a black metal band from Norrköping, Sweden. The band was formed in 1990 by ESP player Morgan Håkansso with the goal of being the "most blasphemous band in the world", and they've done a pretty killer job of attaining that mission. Morgan is often seen playing his camo-finished ESP Custom. Over the course of their career, Marduk has released 13 full-length studio albums, the latest being 2015's Frontschwein.
Both guitarists of Greek black metal band Rotting Christ are ESP players -- frontman Sakis Tolis and lead guitarist George Emmanuel. Having formed in 1987, Rotting Christ are lauded as one of the originators of black metal in Europe.
Napalm Death are another group of well-respected founding fathers of extreme metal. Originally formed as a punk band in 1981 in England, Napalm Death became pioneers of the grindcore sound. ESP players in Napalm Death include longtime member Mitch Harris and touring guitarist John Cooke.
Last -- but never least -- on this festival of international metal madmen, Cattle Decapitation is a San Diego, CA-based grind metal band that includes ESP bass player Derek Engemann. You may recall the recent "ESP Artist Spotlight" video that we did with Derek. It may still haunt your nightmares, in fact.
For more information on the Gothoom Fest, visit their web site. Meanwhile, let us know what you think of this event in the comments section below.