Wed Nov 2: Live Stream from ESP USA
Wed Nov 2: Live Stream from ESP USA

Have you ever wanted to see for yourself how high-end guitars are built? On Wednesday November 2 at 10AM Pacific Time, you'll get your chance. We're doing an ESP NOW live streaming event from our ESP USA shop in North Hollywood, CA. Featuring ESP Director of Operations Steve Grom, you'll get to virtually walk through the facility and see every step in making a world-class guitar from scratch, from selecting the woods, to the creation of bodies and necks, to the painting and finishing, and the installation of hardware. We've never before allowed the public to get an inside view of the ESP USA shop in action, so don't miss your chance!
ALSO: We'll be selecting a few questions from the live chat that will be answered during the show, so get your questions ready about guitar building, or about our spectacular ESP USA Series.
To watch and participate, just visit and be logged in as a community member.
ESP NOW - Live from the ESP USA Shop