Coming Soon: New Andy James Album "Exodus"
Coming Soon: New Andy James Album "Exodus"

When we first heard UK-based shred master Andy James, we were blown away. He had that magical combination of amazing melodicism, superb technique, and terrifying speed that we knew would be an excellent showcase for our guitars. Coming up on May 5, his new solo instrumental album Exodus will be released via Urban Yeti Records, and we can't wait to hear what Andy's done next. Fortunately, we can all get a sneak peak right now with a preview of the song "Never Back Down".
As you're likely aware, Andy has helped create a number of LTD Signature Series guitars, including the AJ-1 and 7-string AJ-7. You can hear Andy ripping it up on both models on the upcoming album.
The AJ-7 is one of the Andy James LTD Signature Series guitars you can have for yourself. It features a neck-thru-body design and an EMG 66-7H/EMG 57-7H pickup set.
What does Andy have to say about Exodus? "It's been a while since I did my last solo album, but the time has come where I've suddenly got a collection of songs that seem to fit together pretty well and thought why not put out another album. I don't like to force material, it either comes naturally or it doesn't. However, every so often I get inspired to write some songs and the next album is exactly that, spontaneous inspiration. Some of it is a slightly different vibe for me where other songs encapsulate what I think people associate with my sound and writing style, but as a whole fitted together nicely."
Andy continues, "I decided to do everything myself this time around. Sometimes when you do demos you capture a vibe that when recreated in a studio, doesn't quite get the same vibe, so with these songs they started as demos then I spent more time on them to get them sounding like proper songs rather than going back to a studio to re-do it all. On past releases, I feel some of the original vibe has been lost, but this time I think for me it has captured more spontaneity that I wanted to get down."
Visit Andy's site for more information.