Judas Priest Nominated to Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Judas Priest Nominated to Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

In a move that many in the metal community probably feel is long overdue, the legendary metal band Judas Priest has, for the first time, been nominated to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Judas Priest includes ESP player Glenn Tipton, whose LTD Signature Series GT-600 was debuted in 2016.
In a statement, the band said, "Thank you Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for this epic nomination to Judas Priest! We have lived breathed blood sweat and teared our way through four decades making the metal we love so to be recognized this way is sensational!"
Glenn's signature guitar offers the look, feel, and sound that powers the Judas Priest music which has influenced multiple generations of rock guitarists. Based on the ESP Viper shape, the GT-600 starts with a set-thru neck, allowing for smooth and fast access to the highest frets. It gives you the classic combination of a mahogany body and 3-piece maple neck, along with an ebony fingerboard with 24 extra-jumbo frets. The sound of the GT-600 is powered by Glenn’s own active EMG signature pickup set, along with performance tools like a Kahler Hybrid tremolo. The GT-600 looks as great as it sounds, with red pickup covers and neck/headstock binding, and a killer mirror pickguard to match the rest of its chrome hardware. Available in Black finish.
Glenn Tipton's LTD Signature Series guitar, the GT-600.
To be eligible for nomination, a band or artist had to have released their first commercial album at least 25 years before the induction year (1992 for 2017). Judas Priest, of course, more than meets the requirement, with their first album Rocka Rolla having been released in September 1974. The band formed in Birmingham, UK in 1969.
In keeping with a new tradition that started six years ago, fans will be able to vote on Rock Hall nominees by visiting rockhall/vote. Voting has already begun, so get over there and show your support for Glenn Tipton and the rest of Judas Priest! The final list of nominees will be announced in December, and the induction ceremony happens in Cleveland on April 14, 2018.