ENGL Amp Spotlight: Marty Friedman "Inferno" E766
ENGL Amp Spotlight: Marty Friedman "Inferno" E766

When you think of the words "guitar virtuoso", a few musicians' names probably come to mind immediately, and if you're into metal, then one of those names is probably Marty Friedman. During his tenure as a member of Cacophany and then Megadeth, as well as his influential solo work for years after, Marty has been boggling musical minds for decades. His precise playing style, fusing Eastern music elements with aspects of neoclassical and thrash, places him in a category by himself, with a unique sound that is extraordinarily identifiable.
Marty's signature ENGL amp is the "Inferno" E766, a head that combines simplicity with obscene amounts of power. It offers two channels that access 100 watts of pure tube toughness. To dial in your own sounds, each channel has its own 3-band EQ and a switchable gain boost. The E766's Lead Channel is super hot, with more than enough gain for all situations. Then crank up that Master Volume, but be careful... the Marty Friedman "Inferno" can be infernally loud!
• 2 Channels: Clean and Lead
• All Tube Head
• Tube buffered FX Loop with Balance control
• Noise Gate
• Master A/B
• Power Tube Monitor
• S.A.C.: Serial Amp Control
Sound Options:
• Bright
• Tone
• Gain Boost
• Gain (for Clean and Lead Channels)
• 2 separate 3-Band EQs (for Clean and Lead Channels)
• Volume (for Clean and Lead Channels)
• Master A
• Master B
• Noise Gate Threshold Level
• FX Loop Balance
• Power amp Output (1 x 4 Ω, 1 x 8 Ω, 1 x 16 Ω, 2 x 8 Ω ||, 2 x 16 Ω ||)
• Z4 (Channels, Master A/B, Tone, FX Loop, Noise Gate)
• Z9 (Channels, Master A/B, Tone, FX Loop, Noise Gate)
Preamp Tubes:
4 x Engl ECC83 / 12AX7
Output Tubes:
4 x Engl EL34
Output Wattage:
100 W
28"x 10.6" x 10.6" (71 x 27 x 27 cm)
49.6 lbs (22.5 kg)
ESP distributes ENGL amplifiers in the USA and Canada. Find a list of our ENGL dealers here!
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