Luis Kalil Clinic Tour: Brazil
Luis Kalil Clinic Tour: Brazil

Olá Brasil! Get ready for five days of extreme shred when ESP artist Luís Kalil does his upcoming clinic tour of your wonderful country in December.
When ESP first got to know Luís a number of years ago, he was just 13 years old, but we saw something special iin the way he approached guitar playing, and he became the youngest official artist endorsee in ESP's history at the time. Hailing from Bagé, RS, Brazil, Luís then further refined his skills after attending Musicians Institute in Los Angeles. After a number of well-received solo recordings, Luís has just released his first album with the band Red Devil Vortex, where his incendiary guitar playing is evident on every track.
Catch Luís live and in person at any of the upcoming clinic tour stops.
SAT DEC 2: Escla De Rock (Porto Alegre/RS)
SUN DEC 3: 180 BPM (Curitiba/PR)
TUE DEC 5: Auditorio 10dB (Brasília/DF)
FRI DEC 8: Iglesia Borratxeria (São Paulo/SP)
TUE DEC 12: Mateus Starling Academy (Rio De Janeiro/RJ)
Que incrível! A turnê de clínicas do Luís Kalil promete ser um evento imperdível para todos os fãs de guitarra no Brasil. A trajetória de Luís, desde jovem talento até se tornar um artista renomado, é realmente inspiradora.
Além de assistir ao espetáculo, você também pode conferir mais sobre as melhores playlists e faixas de guitarra no Spotify para entrar no clima do evento. Confira algumas sugestões em Spotify Brasil.
Não perca a chance de ver Luís ao vivo e experimentar sua performance intensa e cheia de energia!
#BrazilTour #GuitarMaster
Uau, que jornada emocionante para Luís Kalil! De ser o mais jovem artista oficial endossante da ESP, aos 13 anos, a agora arrasar com o Red Devil Vortex. Spotify Brasil, prepare-se para experimentar um shred extremo durante a turnê clínica de Luís em dezembro. Não perca a chance de vê-lo ao vivo nessas fantásticas paradas. #GuitarMaster #BrazilTour.
Wow, what an exciting journey for Luís Kalil! From being ESP's youngest official artist endorsee at 13 to now rocking it with Red Devil Vortex. Brazil, get ready to experience some extreme shred during Luís' clinic tour in December. Don't miss the chance to catch him live at these fantastic stops. #GuitarMaster #BrazilTour.