Cal Degan
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Cal Degan posted a comment on the product E-II EX NT
Yea, even with wide strap. ......MORE »

Cal Degan posted a comment on the product E-II EX NT
I recently took ownership and love it apart from one thing….. the neck dive. So I altered its position of neck strap button which has cured it. Just a pity ESP couldn’t do what Gibson has done an alter strap button position......MORE »

Cal Degan became friends with Amir Hossein Veghar Farahnak

Cal Degan liked the comment on E-II M-I THRU NT
glad you're enjoying it and thanks for letting us know!......MORE »
Finally after a 6 year search, I'm getting my hands on a LTD Slayer Reign In Blood guitar. Over the moon!!!!