Caleb K.
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Caleb K. voted on the poll Which guitarist do you like more? Tony Iommi or Randy Rhoads?
Caleb K. voted Tony Iommi
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Caleb K. voted on the poll What's your favorite George Lynch song?
Caleb K. voted Other? please comment
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Caleb K. voted on the poll Which of the following pickups would you put in your dream bass?
Caleb K. voted EMG
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Caleb K. voted on the poll What kind of a guitar player are you?
Caleb K. voted The one who plays all of the chugs and power chords (Rhythm guitarist)
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Caleb K. voted on the poll Do you play guitar and bass? If so which do you play the most often?
Caleb K. voted Yes, I play guitar more
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Caleb K. voted on the poll Do you play multiple brands of guitars or use different brands for different purposes?
Caleb K. voted Yes
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Caleb K. created the poll Why is playing the guitar sooooo funnnn?

Caleb K. became friends with Devils Island
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