Carm Grasso
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Carm Grasso liked the comment on EC-1000 EVERTUNE
Hey Carm, thanks for your comment and insight!......MORE »

Carm Grasso posted a comment on the product EC-1000 EVERTUNE
Kudos to ESP for being both progressive and committed to its customers via the availability of Evertune equipped models. I do a ton of recording and can see this would be a most welcome addition to my studio. It would be......MORE »

Carm Grasso liked the comment on EC-1000 EVERTUNE
Hey Llobby Lloyd, Wow wow wow! We're so happy to hear all this great feedback. It's great to hear when things are working well for the musicians like you who are using the instruments we create. All excellent information and......MORE »

Carm Grasso liked the comment on EC-1000 EVERTUNE
I have this guitar and I have to say it's the best guitar I've ever played. The EverTune bridge is incredible, I've never heard a guitar sound so perfectly in tune all of the time. Even after 3 flights around the world from......MORE »

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