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Cristina Bach

Cristina Bach became friends with J.Dög

Cristina Bach

Cristina Bach became friends with Alex James Colaruotolo

Alex James Colaruotolo
Cristina Bach

Cristina Bach became friends with Peter W.

Peter W.
Cristina Bach

Cristina Bach voted on the poll Which ESP or Ltd model do you mostly like?

Cristina Bach voted Viper
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Cristina Bach

Cristina Bach voted on the poll Which Slayer album is your favourite ?

Cristina Bach voted Reign In Blood
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Cristina Bach

Cristina Bach voted on the poll What's yours favourite Megadeth album ?

Cristina Bach voted Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?
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Cristina Bach

Cristina Bach voted on the poll What's your favourite Anthrax album ?

Cristina Bach voted Among the Living
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Cristina Bach

Cristina Bach voted on the poll What is your favourite Children of Bodom album ?

Cristina Bach voted Blooddrunk
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