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Connell O.

Connell O. replied to the forum post E-II serial number verification

That one I cannot figure out because according to the serial number, it was built and either 1931 or 2031, take your pic, lol. I could be missing something, but my guess is that it may be fake and that’s why the first two......MORE »
Connell O.

Connell O. replied to the forum post E-II serial number verification

Looks legit to me, man. I have a legitimate ESP-II Japanese Viper , 2017, and the markings are very similar. The only difference really is that yours has better tuners than mine - mine are not locking Gotoh - always a tuner......MORE »
Connell O.

Connell O. liked the forum post Re: E-II serial number verification

Can you help me my Eclipse SN is ES3931163. What year is it?   ......MORE »
Connell O.

Connell O. replied to the forum post E-II serial number verification

According to every source I’ve read, all post 2016 ES or ES ii guitars’ serial numbers consist of E or ES, denoting the brand, followed by seven numbers; The first four being the production or internal numbers, followed by......MORE »
Connell O.

Connell O. posted a comment on Erick G.'s profile

What's going on, Erick? Sitting here at my desk with a silicone pad laid out and a 3D pen that I've never used (got to be easier than a 30 printer and learning to use it's intuitive) but I have no idea how that will work out.......MORE »
Connell O.

Connell O. replied to the forum post Replacing Snakebyte Emblem

It appears that way, and I'm loving it!......MORE »
Connell O.

Connell O. liked the forum post Re: Replacing Snakebyte Emblem

i will keep you posted for sure man. don’t worry  we are on a good path here ......MORE »
Connell O.

Connell O. became friends with Moy G.

Moy G.
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