Deviant Person
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Deviant Person liked the article Buyer Beware!!!
It has come to our attention that as a result of the increased demand for our product, there are an increasing number of counterfeit ESP/LTD guitars available for sale through non authorized online stores. After 35 years of......MORE »

Deviant Person liked the comment on Buyer Beware!!!
There's currently a Chinese counterfeit KH-2 Ouija for sale on eBay for $3k. Stay away if you value your money. Seller's name is tjspawnshop
......MORE »

Deviant Person liked the comment on E7010221
this guitar is the embodiment of my blood, sweat, and tears over the span of 3 years and I cannot wait to hold it in my hands when it arrives at my local shop!......MORE »

Deviant Person liked the photo Cs Photo Tony Viper

Deviant Person disliked the comment on ESP Custom Shop Gallery
This is the most putrid......MORE »

Deviant Person liked the forum post Re: The Coronavirus effect
my personal business web design got hit but i am recovering well now ...thankfully......MORE »

Deviant Person designed a V-II NT - Deviant Person

Deviant Person posted a comment on the product SN-1 HT
The second time I have owned the snapper body guitar. I love the reverse headstock. All of the specifications are all good for me. Thanks, ESP......MORE »