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Gergo Hajer

Gergo Hajer updated his profile

Gergo Hajer

Gergo Hajer became friends with LateHonkola

Gergo Hajer

Gergo Hajer became friends with Victor Kovalchuk

Victor Kovalchuk
Gergo Hajer

Gergo Hajer uploaded the video ESP Viper (Black Satin)

Gergo Hajer

Gergo Hajer uploaded the video ESP Viper (Urban Camo)

Gergo Hajer

Gergo Hajer posted a comment on the video My oldest and most beautiful ESP

I agree dude, one of the most killer looking ESP guitar. I have the exact same model from 2005. My partner in crime! »
Gergo Hajer

Gergo Hajer uploaded the video ESP Horizon NT-7B

jason b.
