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igor luiz l.

igor luiz l. posted a comment on the product B-206SM

meu ESP LTD B206 mudei os captadores e circuito para EMG, mudei as cravelhas para Gotoh, adicionei porcas de metal nos botões Gotoh, espero que gostem do timbre ......MORE »
igor luiz l.

igor luiz l. became friends with flavio t.

flavio t.
igor luiz l.

igor luiz l. became friends with Fabio.Muzik

igor luiz l.

igor luiz l. uploaded the video Untitled

igor luiz l.

igor luiz l. became friends with Eduardo M.

Eduardo M.
igor luiz l.

igor luiz l. uploaded the video 10489295_810676238974530_914262131_n

igor luiz l.

igor luiz l. uploaded a photo

igor luiz l.

igor luiz l. uploaded a photo
