Jeff H.
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Jeff H. liked the forum post Re: The Fake ESP Thread
It's legit. This was during the transition year of 2013, which was when ESP was transitioning from the ESP Standard brand to E-II. That ESP logo was the first attempt at creating a difference between ESP Standard and the......MORE »

Jeff H. became friends with LateHonkola

Jeff H. became friends with Pushead666

Jeff H. became friends with ManuelDuarte

Jeff H. became friends with Lynch-Fanatics
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nice custom shop, I rember when that was arriving on the old forum. I checked out your band on utube. nice. heavy enough to be fun, but still very musical, it like it. I happend to notice yall are playing here next week. Thats a random conicendence. Anyway I will try an catch yall at the kingdom if I can.
Cool thanks maan guitar rules