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metalhobo replied to the forum post ex black metal neck dive
move the strap button (the forward one closer to the neck). the goal is to move it as far "forward" as possible. neck dive happens because the torque exerted by the neck is greater than the torque exerted by the strap. you......MORE »

metalhobo replied to the forum post Esp ltd ec1000 - strings
if you're asking which strings will "fit" in the nut the correct answer is 10-46. if you increase string gauge you should be recutting the nut slots accordingly to get the proper action and tuning stability.......MORE »

metalhobo replied to the forum post Truss rod nut
if you haven't done so already, try slacking the strings before tightening the truss rod.......MORE »

metalhobo replied to the forum post Older LTD Horizon? Parts needed
it's an ltd h-200, circa 1998 or so. I think with that particular range they were stamping the serial number in the edge of the fingerboard as opposed to putting it on the headstock or neckplate. yours appears to have some......MORE »

metalhobo replied to the forum post Kudos to the old members.
n.e.body keep track of unreal_explorer?......MORE »

metalhobo replied to the forum post Cracks appearing all over my paintwork
man, that is terrible. at first glance the cracks at the neck pocket look structural, but the fact there there are so many other cracks in other places, including the headstock, maybe means it is a finish issue. in any case I......MORE »

metalhobo liked the forum post Andy LaRocque Signature Model!
Andy Deserves THIS! Andy is a grossly underrated Guitarist/Virtuoso ,Producer , composer , musician and artist.
I know ALOT of guitar players waiting for this to happen.......MORE »
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