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No not really I tend to just jump right in.
Some scales and riffing
hm not really.... sometimes my finger hurst but they get warm pretty soon enough
I do a few runs on the fretboard, and stretching too.
Most of the time, yes
spider crawl tecnique
stretching goes a long way
1 2 3 4
2 3 4 5 stuff..
20 minutes each time I play
lol are you kidding me?
not really i generally just start slow. maybe do some legato stuff first
yes i just stretch. my hands feel wierd if i dont.
Yes, I've got a special finger training device :)
pull my fingres backwards till i can feel presure then mimic opening a doorknob.
Occasionally. I pop my knuckles a lot if that counts. I sometimes wave my hands like some people do when they cramp. Just small things that really don't affect anything.
It must be always before you play the song
im stretching everytime im going to play, not only the hands, but also the arms
i always stretch to avoid cramping up! and to get your chops up!dont want to start playing all crappy and what not