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Do you make something like this, but with a non-reverse headstock, and in a solid color other than black or white?

Danilo R.
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Can anyone tell me if the m 300 models have differences in qualities to the m 400 models? And what was the price of the m 401 blk model?

Howard T.

This LTD M-400 is far and away the best 24-fret "shredder" I've played, so far. I sometimes forget I've got the extra frets! "Vibratory Feedback", especially through the neck is just amazing! This git is like a living, breathing thing! Pickup voicings are spot-on; and these EMGs are WAY easier on the battery than the units in my vintage "The Mirage Deluxe". It holds standard tuning with two trem springs, and there have been no premature string breakage issues. It's very solid for being relatively light (love the inclusion of the neck binding, too!). Couldn't argue with the price, either!

William A.
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This is a wicked guitar, I’m looking for something like this but with no Floyd Rose. 

Alex M.

The description says the neck shape is an extra thin flat shape but the specifications say extra thin U, do you still make the extra thin flat neck?

Carl N.

if you have any questions you may reach out to our customer service team at or   


Neck thru construction? I would buy it... Too bad the MH series don't have floyd rose

Carl N.

if you have any questions you may reach out to our customer service team at or 

yonath h.

yo can u make this guitar a custom one??


Carl N.

For custom shop quotes you would need to visit your local ESP dealer

Tony T.

I've seen some of these for sale in Europe that have a different inlay on the 12th fret, are those older or newer models could anyone tell me?

Carl N.

Yes, recently we updated our specifications to remove the model names on the 12th fret inlay.

Richard L.

Where i can see the Price ?

Carl N.

prices will be displayed on our site for customers within the U.S.  if you are outside of the U.S. it would be best to reach out to your local ESP distributor for pricing and availability in your region.

Michael D.

I'm interested in this guitar. I purchased the ESP 87 Surveyor Bass guitar few days ago. Can't wait till it get here!

Carl N.

hope you enjoy it


This guitar sounds AMAZING! I love and it's my favorite one...Can't go wrong with EMG 81/85!

Carl N.

Thanks for sharing

TattooedCarrot (TC)

Man I really wish there was a hardtail version of this. I'm surprised at so many Floyds/trems on these because they really aren't that popular anymore. Not like they were in the 80's anyway.

Carl N.

Thanks for sharing your opinion! 

Jack S.

Does this come with a hard case when shipped and where is this guitar manufactured

Carl N.

Within the specifications for all of our models we list the proper case of each model and if they include a case or not, this model will not come with a case and is produced within Indonesia.  Hope this helps!

Mathieu M.

I'm so happy, i made a really great deal (i think). So i buy this Super M-400 Black Satin 2 week ago for 450 CAN with washburn gig bag, so 400 CAN without washburn gig bag its like 311 US - 277 US. its use but you can't see scratch or nothing its  like new. its really an amazing guitar

Todd B. ESP

Hey Mathieu, Glad you got a deal on this guitar and hope you enjoy it! thanks for choosing ESP!


Just bought this guitar and the headrush frfr to use with my zoom G5n and I cannot WAIT till it gets here! Then I'm told by sweetwater that, because they are moving to a new warehouse it might delay the shipping! That figures! That's just my luck....

Carl N.

Patience is a virtue, hope you enjoy it when you get it.

Mike  L.

What tuning is Jack Fliegler using in this video? Is this music on this video tabbed anywhere? Does Jack have any instructional videos?  This demonstration is amazing as are his other demos for ESP/LTD!

Mike  L.

Just got mine today and it is awesome looking and feeling.  At this price point this thing is absolutely amazing.  If you play hard rock, metal, or any hard core distorted style of music, this guitar is awesome!

Carl N.

Glad you are enjoying it Mike!

Iain M.

I just ordered. I'm new to this as I've only used a Squier for 18 years but the pick-up rings..? How does that work.. Do some models come without them or what? or can they at least be added/fitted after? I prefer the rings on i think. Does fitting them require screws/botls or is it something else. Thanks!

Carl N.

Hey Iain, body mounted pickups vs ones mounted in pickup rings are just an aesthetic preference.  You could have pickup rings installed afterwards if that is what you'd prefer, if you're unfamiliar with using a drill on an instrument I'd take this to a professional to install for you.  Hope this helps!

Lukáš K.

Hello the great people from ESP guitars, could you please tell me how much is the neck thickness at first fret? I don´t mind thin guitar necks but I don´t get much well with thin Ibanez like necks. I really wish that there would be a guitar like horizon shaped LTD with ESP teardrop headstock, sick flame maple top, alder body, maple neck with sanded finish, EMG/Fishman Fluence or BKP pickups and 43mm nut, but this is more like of a artist specs for a guitar, but the problem is for me that I love ESP/LTD guitars, especially horizon with that carved top, with something like floyd or evertune bridge and that thin U shaped neck is just buttery smooth to play on, but for my fingers the 42mm nut is a wall that I can´t climb. 

Carl N.

Hey Lukáš, it'll be 19mm at the first fret.  Hope this helps!  Thanks for your feedback!

Lukáš K.

Hey Carl, yeah it sure does, thank you very much! 

Luca Z.

I've bought this guitar last june and I have to say this is an amazing instrument for the price you pay! I love compact and lightweight guitars and this is probably the most manageable guitar I've ever touched. I play melodic death metal and the EMGs are perfect for recording purposes. Even with just one track recorded, the sound is already fat, clear and punchy! The satin finish is beautiful but it would be great to have it also in glossy finish, probably I would buy another one! 

Todd B. ESP

Hey Luca, Glad you like your guitar! thanks for all your comments.