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Design by SilverFrog
I own this guitar, and it's amazing! Just wondering what a good action height would be to set it at for standard tuning?
Glad you enjoy it, if you have any questions you may reach out to our customer service team at or
Finally got my first real MIJ ESP/E-II and this was it. I couldn't be happier, it kills. I don't mind the E-II branding, but has anyone thought of doing it script style like ESP and LTD logos? It'd fit in so perfectly!
Glad you enjoy it, thanks for the suggestion
Beautiful Guitar! I just picked one up even though I already have an exceptional ESP USA Eclipse.
glad you're enjoying it!
Nice! How would you compare the two? How would you say that the USA version differs from the EII ?
Gorgeous guitar! To add my own touch I replaced the black brushed EMG’s with the black chrome to match the black nickel hardware. She looks like sex on the beach! I might have to buy another and do silver nickel/chrome! #ESP #EMG #SexOnTheBeach #ESPGUITARS pics!
Thanks for sharing!
Do these use CTS pots?
This will use EMG 25k pots
Just got mine this week and love it!
glad you enjoy it
I apologize in advance of this is specified elsewhere and I just overlooked it, but does the new eclipse (or any E-II model) offer stainless steel frets?
Typically we will list this within the description and specifications. If stainless steel isn't mentioned the frets will then be nickel/silver.
Hi I was wondering does this guitar have a buckeye top or is it a veener
This will have a plain maple cap under a burled maple veneer. Hope this helps!
Hi. Can you tell me a little more about the figured tops on the E-II series Eclipses. Specifically how thick is the maple top? And the "Buckeye" veneer?
These are killer playing. Sounding. Stunning guitars anyway you cut it. Tons of value especially considering the electronics, hardware, and form fit case included. I own a 2019 USA (bought new) model. I have spent time with one of these E-II's and they are pretty freaking close to the feel and almost spot on matching the sound. Thank you!
Hey Mark, the tops are generally about 15mm. Hope this helps!
Got mine too, finally!!! of art, thank you!
Glad you like it Viktor!
just received my new blue fade AWESOME axe!
Hope you enjoy it Mark!
What did you mean Carl N. when you say two pieces of wood.... one neck and one body... And what type of mahogany you use .
Hey Til, two pieces of wood meaning you can have two slabs of mahogany that are the same dimensions but weigh differently. The general specification is mahogany and no specific species is sourced for the construction of these models.
Can someone tell me the how much does the guitar weigh?
Hey Umran, these will be around 8.5lbs, though we do not regulate the weight of our instruments and since no two pieces of wood are the same there will be some lighter than this and some heavier than this.
I really want to buy this guitar. Is there anyway to get one of these without having to wait 8-12 weeks? Here in Canada all the stores say minimum 2-3 months.
Hey Austin, unfortunately I don't have a way to expedite one to you, sorry for the wait. For the time being you'll just have to be patient and wait for your local distributor to get these in stock. Unless you wanted to buy a plane ticket to Japan and pick one up in person
This one looks really awesome! It seems a couple of the big retailers are charging a premium ($1999.00) for this one. I'm sure it's in high demand, it's beautiful for sure.
Thanks for your comment Paul! Sure is a beauty.
This guitar is a must, so for sure i will buy this model, for April next year!!! \m/
Hope you enjoy it when you get it!
WOW , this Blue Natural Fade in stunning and will be my next ESP purchase!
Why? Because it is NOT full thickness and won't kill me to play 2+ hr sets.
Hi Greg, I agree with you and that's a very valid point. Glad you like this design!
Only thing that make this guitar the best seller is a full thickness body! Please esp full thickness 2020 !
Hi Gerald, thanks for your suggestion.
I 100% agree... Full Thickness, double binding on the body back and top. Get rid of the flag inlays they make the guitars look cheap. Block inlays look the best or go with the USA made flag inlay it's better than this inlay which look unbalanced and again cheap. I hate hate hate the flag inlays. The block inlays are the best and they look classier. I love the finish on the Blue Natural Fade but it's not full thickness.
The full thickness, with double binding, block inlays with abalone and mother of pearl scream "The Beach" and gorgeous... The bock inlay should be mother of pearl with a middle blue abalone block inlay Starting at the first fret as well. 12th Fret Mother of pearl with Abalone ESP letters Effing beautiful...
Everyone loves the Gibson Les Paul's of old... Traditional full thickness... Block inlays mother of pearl / abalone combined inlays... Heavy weight body!... I'm not a scrawny teenager... Binding both top and back... Did I mention to get rid of the flag inlays???... (for the love of god please get rid of the flag inlays, if you don't believe me just ask the community through a website pole) I have 2 of the LTD EC-1000T CTM's and I love them... BUT I want higher quality version... Which you are NOT making... I love the edwards Gibson Les Paul copies but we can't get them here... So you need to adjust the current ESP models. Avoid the mistakes made by Gibson by going cheap and chambering their guitars. Stick as close as you can to the traditional Les Paul looks or at least create a traditional line with more options and colors with block inlays... You'll sell a shit ton of them... I'd buy one RIGHT NOW... if you had them in the blue natural fade with MOP/Abalone block inlays... I'd probably buy 2 of them... one to play and one as a decoration / back up.
Hi Robert, thanks for your candid comments and suggestions. We value your input and I will definitely share your comments & suggestions with our design & sales team.
Does this model also have the Full Thickness body? I think what ESP needs is to get rid of thin bodies and the E-ii term. I want my expensive ESP to show that it’s a real ESP. I hope they take fan suggestions more serious next NAMM show.
Hi Andrew, This model does not have the full thickness body. Most all of our Eclipse guitars use our thinner body which has been one of the reasons for this model's success over the years. However we have released some full thickness versions as well, but not so many. We appreciate your comments.
Will the blue natural fade be available on Amazon when it goes on sale?
Hi Rowan, Our authorized dealers may or may not sell on Amazon but I would recommend finding an authorized dealer and purchasing directly from them. We will be filling our dealer orders first. I hope that helps.