Clank C.

Where is this guitar made?

Carl N.

Hey Clank, these are made in Korea and Indonesia.

Derek P.

Is this guitar made in Indonesia ?

Carl N.

Hey Derek, yes and Korea as well.

Larson C.

Hi esp I was wondering if I can tune this guitar to drop G tuning using 10-62 gauge strings and not having the strings be all floppy is that possible?

Grinder Sin

might be with the scale length.

Carl N.

Hey Larson, shouldn't be an issue restringing and setting in Drop G.

Grinder Sin

I want this.... or at least try it out. This looks dope! my one change or 2 changes i guess would be making this string through with a different bridge. Like the M17. That would be sick AF! 

Carl N.

Hey Grinder, thanks for your input!

west of october

Hi everybody!

Could you please tell me how this guitar is tuned? I was waiting for this 7 string model in the black metal series, and I'm seriously thinking to buy one.

Do you also know when it will be available in Europe at, say... Thomann's or other distributors? And the price range?

Thanks very much guys and my compliments for your work!


Carl N.

Hey Mick, this will be in standard tuning, you can check out our FAQ page for more information on tunings for our instruments.   For pricing and availability in your region you would need to contact your local ESP distributor.  

west of october

oh, yes Carl: I found everything in the FAQ sections...  sorry for bothering you... Any idea on when this guitar will be available in Germany or in Italy?

Carl N.

No worries Mick, as for availability, your local ESP distributor would be best able to let you know when these would come into your region.


Please you guys, you gotta offer this in Left Hand.....same with the 6 string  version. Us lefties haven’t been dealt too good of a hand in the production 7 string realm. I’ve been wanting an affordable ESP/LTD neck through hardtail 7 M series for ages.....

Carl N.

Hey Soullessghost, thanks for your insight!