Tim S.

Thank you for using stainless frets.  I think it should become the standard. 

Plesee in the future consider this color with a floyd rose. For that matter, consider some more cool colors.  

Carl N.

Thanks for your opinion!

Tim S.

Wow. Stainless frets. I have to get one.. Love this. Is the price as above if I order direct? How long does it take to ship with the virus thing going on? 

Carl N.

Pricing on our site is for customers within the US, shipping will resume once restrictions have been lifted

Thomas C.

Would that be East or West Korea?

Carl N.

Neither, South Korea

Thomas C.

Come on now Carl that was funny.

Jonathan P.

Hi, I'm interested in where these guitars are made and which material is used for the nut. Thanks! 

Carl N.

If a nut specifies molded, this will be made of molded plastic.  These are currently produced in Korea.  Hope this helps!

Thomas C.

Ordered mine last Saturday should get it in mid April.

Freaking stoked!

Carl N.

hope you enjoy it

Michael  B.

Hello,could you possibly add EMGs to this model at some point in the future?

Carl N.

Hey Michael, thanks for sharing!

Lukáš K.

Buy a set of EMG´s give it to your guitar tech and have him swap them out, then sell these to someone, changing pickups is childs play

Chris Cesari

Hi, the guitar on the pics have 22 frets but Specifications and description say 24 ? 

How much frets this model really have please ? 

(please say 24

Carl N.

Hey Chris, thanks for pointing this out, just like the picture this will have 22 frets

Holden A.

Will this also be available with a Floyd Rose bridge?

Carl N.

Hey Holden, there is a black version with a Floyd Rose.

Lukáš K.

Hey, how long is going to take till these hit shops? I feel like all of those new models alreay are in shops at least for pre-order but this one not, I am excited about this one and want to know how much will it cost. But depending on how much you prices raised I would not be interested. Like when you put hipshot bridge on the M black metal and the price went up by 450$. 

Carl N.

Hey Lukáš, it would be best to reach out to your local ESP distributor to see when they expect to receive these and what the price would be in your region.

Marc  F.

When this guitar will be available in Canada?

Carl N.

Hey Marc, best to reach out to your local ESP distributor to see when they expect to receive these.

Alex R.

Does this have a graphtech nut or is it just regular molded plastic?

Carl N.

Hey Alex, unless otherwise stated, molded will mean plastic.

Alex R.

Ok, thanks for the info! Any reason why you don't use graphtech or other higher end nuts? It wouldn't add much to the production costs and would give your customers a better product.


Also, nice to see ESP offering the stainless steel frets on an ltd. The durability and feel they offer is great and it's good to see more companies offering them.

Carl N.

Hey Alex, graphite and bone will be used on E-II and ESP instruments.  Thanks for sharing your opinion! 

Silas H.

Please make a lefty version! I really want one

Carl N.

Thanks for your insight Silas!

Silas H.

Which models of the 2020 lineup will be available for lefthand? I can not find any information online. Are there any lefty models?

Carl N.

Hey Silas, we are producing the EC-1000 with Fluence pickups in left handed for 2020, you can view all of our current left handed models here.

Nathan M.

Already put my order in with Sweetwater. Can't wait! Scalloped fretboard AND stainless steel... can't beat that. 


Can you post the link. I would like to preorder too

Nathan M.

I just contacted my sales agent. Most 2020 models aren't live on the website yet but they can still take preorders. 

Carl N.

Hope you enjoy it Nathan.

Ryan B.

No lefty? : (

Carl N.

Hey Ryan, no left handed versions at the moment.

Ryan B.

I have to say that this is hugely disappointing. I was really looking forward to one of those necks.

Carl N.

Thanks for your insight Ryan