Hi, you should be able to order any ESP model as a special order even if you don't see it on our site. Please contact your nearest dealer or distributor if you live outside the US.
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If you have any questions not answered on our product page, please contact ESP Customer Service at
Hi, this model is available built to order. It is not a model you will find in stock and many dealers.
If you have any more questions, please contact ESP Customer Service at
I have two questions, the first one is a question about whether something can be done in the custom shop. The second one is a question about guitar mechanics and a request for a recommendation, if you are able to give one.
1.) I like most of the specs of this guitar (ESP MYSTIQUE CTM SEE THRU BLACK BLUE BURST) but I was wondering if the custom shop would be able to make me one with all of the same specifications, except for the following:
- different colourway, front side and back of the body instead of just the back and back of the head as well (glossy black sparkle) but leaving the back of the neck natural
- Chrome instead of gold hardware (tuners, bridge, knob, toggle for selecting pickups and anything else I missed that's gold on this)
- my own custom fingerboard inlays instead of what it has now
- my signature on the head under where it says "ESP"
- passive seymour duncan jazz neck and seymour duncan jb bridge pickups with chrome covers instead of the 59/jazz neck and 59/jb bridge pickups
Other than that, I want EVERYTHING ELSE THE SAME. Same wood (or regular mahogany and rosewood if they can't do Honduran) same toners same bridge, strap button, set neck construction, electronics layout etc.
2.) I would like to be able to play this guitar well and effectively in standard EADGBE tuning but I would also like to be able to play it well and effectively in as low as drop C tuning (but not any lower than drop C, if I wanted anything lower I'd get a 7, 8 or 9 string guitar). Research that I've done recommends a scale of 25.5 and heavier gauge strings. I noticed the LTD SC-20, which has been described as ideal for downtuning has a 25.5 scale and thicker gauge strings than this guitar. I know that Stef Carpenter recorded the white pony in drop C tuning. Should I then copy the string gauge of the SC-20 for my custom mystique (the specs for the see thru black burst say the scale is already 25.5)? Mind you, I still want to be able to play it in EADGBE. What would you recommend?
I know that sometimes you refer people to customer service so I am going to send this to them as well, just in case you can't answer it.
Thank you for answering all my previous questions, peace.
Hi, it would be best to contact your dealer who can get a quote for you as well as see if everything is possible. Our Custom Shop is able to do quite a lot as long as the design is functional and doesn't infringe on any trademarks. If you don't have a dealer you are working with please message me directly and I'll give you some options.