Formerly called “ESP Standard”, all ESP E-II instruments are created at our ESP factory in Tokyo, Japan, and are designed for professional players who accept no compromises in tone, feel, or reliability for their guitars and basses. The E-II M-I Thru NT is a no-frills rock machine that’s ready to jump onstage with you, with nothing coming between you and your best performances. It features neck-thru-body construction, with a comfortable alder body, three-piece maple neck, and an ebony fingerboard with 24 extra-jumbo frets and dot inlays. This guitar include top-notch components like Gotoh locking tuners, Gotoh TOM bridge with string-thru body design, a bone nut, and a single aggressive EMG 81 active pickup. Available in Deep Candy Apple Red Satin finish. Includes an ESP hardshell form-fitting case.
I love this guitar but I was really hoping that there was going to be a white or cream colour. The pictures of Nick Stewart (Power Trip) on the artist profile show him playing an E-II M-I in a slightly aged coloured white and it looks awesome!!!
ESP, will you be making that guitar available sometime soon?
I really wished this EII had an evertune bridge. I could have it installed after buying the guitar but it would be an additional 1 000 bucks, which obviously makes this project too expensive.
It doesn't make sense that LTD 1000s have stainless steel frets, and EII doesn't. Is it for the same reasons as BC Rich, because ESP is convinced the guitar sounds better without them? Putting SS frets on LTD 1000s is awesome. Now all ESP need to do is put a satin finish on the neck of LTD 1000s and they'll be able to compete with Solar guitars, who have SS frets and a satin finish on the back of the neck. I own an LTD eclipse 1000 with an evertune and a Solar 1.6 with an evertune (same price range) and the Solar neck is far more comfortable due to the satin finish. So yeah I guess the only LTD that can compete with Solars are the arctic metal instruments.... but at this price point, Solar gives you an evertune bridge.... So I guess I'll stick with Solar for now, waiting for the satin finish on LTD's necks.
It's sad because ESP is one of the few brands that haven't increased their prices drastically recently. I mean look at Jackson with their MIJ guitars that are at the price point of USA Jacksons that were sold a few years ago ! And Fender, who increased the price of their Elite guitars by renaming them "ultra" and even taking a step down concerning some of their specs. The price went from 1 500 to more than 2 000 for less specs! And then you have Ibanez.... the price of their prestige line has also increased without any increase in the spec or quality... it's a damn shame. I'm not even talking about Gibson for obvious reasons lol
Thankfully ESP seems to not follow the trend, even though I've yet to see the prices of the new models. Schecter still offers outstanding quality for the price. So for me the only companies worth buying guitars from in 2021 would be ESP, Schecter and Solar.