Matthew B.

Regarding the Iron Cross, does the pickguard cover any electronics cavities, or are all of those on the back of the guitar?

Todd B. ESP

Hi Matthew, All the electronics are contained within the cavities on the back side of guitar. There is nothing under the pickguard. I realize we have to update our photo, so we will get that back shot updated soon, thanks for bringing this to our attention.

Jim S.

Bought this guitar a few months ago.  Love the way it plays and sounds.  My only complaint is the top toggle switch is just for looks.  Why isn't it hooked up?  My other questions is, and if I open up the back plates I would know this but I haven't opened it up yet, Is there a path drilled from the top toggle down to the other electronics so if I wanted to hook up the toggle I could?

Todd B. ESP

Hi Jim, We made this model exactly like James' original Iron Cross. Originally he took a LP and rewired it, removing the wiring for the original switch, and putting a switch in the control cavity, and making a master tone with 2 individual volume controls. So we include the extra switch in the regular "LP" position, but it is not wired. If you wanted to use it you could have it hooked up and disconnect the one in the electronics cavity. It should be ready to go if you wanted to do that.

Tim J.


Did this guitar change during the last months/years?

Just to know that if I order this guitar that I know that I have the current version of it and not an older one?

And if it changed, can I know which version it is?



Todd B. ESP

Hi Tim, We have not made any changes on this guitar.

Tim J.

Thanks for the quick response!

Kind regards,



What is the price of this guitar?

Todd B. ESP

Hi SEMPER, If you are within the USA the price is listed on each product page. If you live outside the US, please contact your local distributor or nearest dealer for your pricing. Here is a link to our distributor page:

robert k.

Like the guitar plays great but what are the stock strings 

Bobby Hilton

D'Addario Nickel Wound EXL110-10P.