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Hi Gisle, these are called string ferrules. They can be found at most guitar parts companies such as Allparts or WD Music. Please contact our customer service team at their email for further assistance. Their email is .
I've always wanted to play guitar, but I didn't really know where to start. I went to guitar center and found an Epiphone Les Paul studio LT. As of late, I have been prowling on this website and I really like what I see. I'm a big fan of metal so most of your guys' guitars are in my best interests. This F-10 just snagged my attention, not to mention it's 50 dollars cheaper than the Epiphone I saw at Guitar Center. I was wondering if this is a good guitar to start out with?
Hey Requan, Great to hear you want to play guitar! We have a lot of unique shapes to choose from. Our 10 series offer some of our most popular shapes in a very affordable build. They aren't fancy but they have the basics like our design and comfortable neck and good sounding pickups. It's a good place to start. Hope this helps.
Hello Todd B. ESP! Tell me if ESP plans to reimburse the production of LTD F-400, F-350. I like this series very much, but I want to stick it in or through the neck. How much would it cost to make an F-350 to order? Thank.
Hi Sergey, Currently we don't have a 300-400 series of this series, mostly because we have our FRX shape in the 400 series. Sorry but we cannot do any custom or special order for a model that we are not currently building, but if there is a lot of request for this model then it's possible we could re-release it in the future. I would suggest to look in the used market and hopefully you can find one there.
What does it mean: "engineered hardwood"?
Hi David, this means that it is man made. It is not cut from a full piece of wood. It is a composite wood processed to look like rosewood and be strong so it can be used as a replacement for rosewood.
La que tengo es parecida a esta, pero es F-50 cual seria la diferencia?
o la mia es como pirata?
ya que no esta entre las categorias D:
podrias darme por favor las caracteristicas de la F-50 Ejemplo:
Cuerpo: Tilo
Cuello: Arce
Diapason: Palorosa
etc x..x
y que materiales son necesarios para nutrirle la madera y para limpiarla, asi tener buen mantenimiento en mi instrumento, me encantaria saberlo y asi tenerlo por mucho mas tiempo en buen uso.
La F-50 ya tiene años descontinuada, yo la compré hace aproximadamente unos 9 o 10 años. Desconozco las diferencias pero esta F-10 es de paquete, no sé que tan buena salga. A la mía le pienso cambiar las pastillas en enero, me encanta porque es muy cómoda y versátil.
Hola Jiyvx,
La LTD F-50 estuvo disponible por primera vez en los anos de 2000's. Típicamente fueron fabricados con madera de agathis para el cuerpo y madera de arce para el cuello. Para obtener más información sobre su instrumento y detalles sobre el cuidado y el mantenimiento, escriba a nuestro departamento de servicio al cliente en Por favor, asegúrese de incluir varias fotos de su instrumento.
What types of strings should I use/buy for The F 10? 9/10/11/12?
Hi Keeshe, We use 10-46 gauge which is our standard for non-tremolo guitars. But it is really a player's personal preference. You can go with an extra light gauge (9-42) if you want slinkyer strings that are softer on your fingers and easier to bend. The heavier the string gauge the more difficult the strings are to push down and bend, but the tone and performance usually improves. So stick with the 10-46 if they work for you and adjust if necessary.
I have this exact Guitar. And for the $$$, it cant be beat! I prefer this to my higher end Ibby too!