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Raff Sangiorgio

Raff Sangiorgio liked the comment on ESP EII »
Raff Sangiorgio

Raff Sangiorgio posted a comment on the photo album ESP EII »
Raff Sangiorgio

Raff Sangiorgio posted a comment on the product E-II M-II HT

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Raff Sangiorgio

Raff Sangiorgio uploaded the video Gory Blister LIVE !!

Raff Sangiorgio

Raff Sangiorgio liked the article ESP Guitars Announces Stainless Steel Frets Now Included on All ESP E-II...

ANAHEIM, CA (JANUARY 25, 2024) – ESP Guitars (NAMM Booth 208A/B) announced that its entire Japan factory-built ESP E-II Series of guitars and basses will now feature stainless steel frets. ESP had already made the switch to......MORE »
Raff Sangiorgio

Raff Sangiorgio liked the product E-II M-I THRU NT

Raff Sangiorgio

Raff Sangiorgio liked the product E-II M-I THRU NT
