Brian Carroll
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Brian Carroll posted a comment on the poll marty freidman or chris brodrick
Marty for sure. He's what made me want to pick up guitar. ......MORE »

Brian Carroll liked the comment on cartoons
Beavis & Butthead!! and Ed Edd n' Eddy for sure......MORE »

Brian Carroll voted on the poll cartoons
Brian Carroll voted yes
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Brian Carroll posted the forum post 7 strings and modern things
We are getting close to the new year. New year means new products. What is everyone looking forward to? I personally would like to see some more 7 string e-ii's with different trem systems. Also, would like to see some more......MORE »

Brian Carroll designed a M-III GT - Brian Carroll

Brian Carroll designed a M-7 FR - Brian Carroll

Brian Carroll liked the comment on Todd B. ESP
Hi Brian, Sorry it seems I never replied to your comments from many months ago! My apologies! No plans to add to the HRF series and this is sort of a series that stands on its own without many available options for now. The 8......MORE »

Brian Carroll became friends with Scotsman61