David V-R
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Oh NO! My input went out on one of my guitars! Oh well I can fix it i might replace it later. but for now Ima listen to Metallica Creeping Death!
Creep on Fuckers!!!!! - updated
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David V-R voted on the poll Which Band has a Better Lead Guitarist?
David V-R voted Metallica
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David V-R voted on the poll Do you like Havok?
David V-R voted No
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David V-R voted on the poll What do you think about Kirk Hammett?
David V-R voted Good
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David V-R voted on the poll Who's a better Guitarist?
David V-R voted Michael Ammoth
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David V-R voted on the poll What is the worst genre in meta today?
David V-R voted Nu-metal
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David V-R voted on the poll Do you like megadeth?
David V-R voted Yes
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David V-R voted on the poll How many hours do you do your guitar practice?
David V-R voted 1-2 hours
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David V-R voted on the poll Do you like the NEW gun's and roses?
David V-R voted no
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