Some little tricks and blame Mr Joe Statriani for it

Dear ESP players


as no husting here  in my video. Just an own jam video as I have been exercising some more newer  own, if some curse, it was a comment by Mr Joe Satriani, to check for own chords, feel free to do so I did the same as I read the words in his one Lehrbuch.  and handspan spinning I  drove this all  forward. 

Say thumb up on the fretboard as I already did on various records of mine. 


Some recently here :

Some here but one more as Baltics and erm that all Obama Nuclear head warmonger comment on my other such a Blog or such..


For the ESP EC 1000 BLNFD here:


And them Duckys  one has been  that Prophecy one.


Blues as blue can, right?


I wish You all good and hope to have some more looking for some ideas to shred harder. 


PS Listen to Stefano Viola:

Always for all Takamine fans. Dominic Frasca! 

