As now on Bass now that all new chord or erm.. Technique Playing

Dear Comusicians  and music fans


While I now have Hangwire   Videos been watching as older New Wave  

Here what from  my last 2 EPs this week is on. 

Has quite more boost that kind of play as sounds as were 2 Basses at once. 

A bit of what I have risen accusation on the cover and quite critical as no joke  Swiss US politicians like to accuse me but never thier erm social media in unpaid adult film biz.. .  Means a lot of such illegale stuff and yes with that playing technique on the Bills to Pay.  George Clinton as Bootsy could also have  a glimpse of an eye. 

By the way as such noted on my pages. 

As always for such erm  too fast to get now also  what state citizenship issues, while not needed at all.  Yes.  there are EU court decision which would protect such elites from such social media but hey Monica Lewinsky US courts and that for no much of a matter at all that Bill Clinton hasn't paid Mr Jelzin them Voidka adventures at night or was it at day???  And Yes GS Tonio the Man for himself at itself never as world bank and erm UNRWA funds back to what Hoeboey booga beep booby true tracks on roads Geneva sold today crack in UN Geneva..


I wish You all fun  and hope You got inspired to get Your own riffs on guitar and bass. 

And remember Joe Satrianis  playbook has been  encouraging me to get such stuff done. 
