Brendan Breakdown and Arianne Márquez: Heavy Riffs on the E-II Eclipse and LTD Axxion

ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! Community member Brendan Breakdown has taken advantage of ESP All Access more than just about any other person, connecting with musicians around the world to collaborate on new music creations. In this video, he's teamed up with Mexico City-based guitarist Arianne Márquez on this riff-filled spectacle, with Brendan using his ESP E-II Eclipse and Arianne doing some intricate lead lines on her LTD Signature Series Dave Mustaine Axxion. You can find more of Brendan's music on his band's Facebook.

If you're doing cool music with your ESP, ESP E-II, or LTD guitar or bass, upload a video to the ESP site and we might select you as the next ESP All Access Community Member to feature on our front page where thousands of other players can check you out! Get the details here.


Ah the forgotten Mustaine sig! Right before he left.