Black Metal Series
LTD AP-4 Black Metal Demo by Bonedo
Reviewing for German online music magazine Bonedo, bass player Rainer Wind takes you through a bunch of different styles and tones on the LTD AP-4 Black Metal bass, and proves that no matter what kind of music you play, this...
Teloch (Mayhem) Unboxes the LTD EC Black Metal & Announces Giveaway
Teloch, guitarist for Norwegian black metal legends Mayhem, might be the most perfect musician in the entire world to check out our LTD EC Black Metal. In this video, he unboxes the EC Black Metal, takes it for a test drive,...
Brian Mojica: "The Oath" (Playthrough)
Here's ESP bass player Brian Mojica of California-based blackened hardcore band Wolf King doing a playthrough of "The Oath", a song of their 2021 album release The Path of Wrath. Brian is playing the LTD AP-4 Black Metal, a...
LTD Black Metal Series Demo by Abysmal Dawn
Eliseo Garcia and Charles Elliot of Los Angeles-based death metal band Abysmal Dawn try out two new additions to the LTD Black Metal Series: the F Black Metal and the M-4 Black Metal bass. The F Black Metal adds one of our...
LTD EX Black Metal Demo by Jack Fliegler
Musician Jack Fliegler tries out the LTD EX Black Metal, part of our "New for 2021" collection and a new addition to the Black Metal Series. Comparable in build quality to our LTD Deluxe “1000 Series” instruments, the EX...
LTD F Black Metal Demo by JongHa Jeong
Here's South Korean shred monster JongHa Jeong with another excellent demo, this time of the LTD F Black Metal that's part of our "New for 2021" collection. The LTD Black Metal Series is comparable in build quality to our LTD...
LTD Arrow-NT Black Metal Demo by Daniel Dekay (Exciter)
Daniel Dekay of Exciter takes you through what's cool about the LTD Arrow-NT Black Metal. The LTD Black Metal Series is comparable in build quality to our LTD Deluxe “1000 Series” instruments, but with a dark and menacing...
LTD Phoenix Black Metal Demo by Dan Gailey (Fit For A King)
Dan Gailey of Fit For A King does this demo of the LTD Phoenix Black Metal. The LTD Black Metal Series are guitars that are comparable in build quality to our LTD Deluxe “1000 Series” instruments, but with a dark and menacing...
LTD Black Metal Series Demo by Abysmal Dawn
Charles Elliott and Eliseo Garcia of Los Angeles-based death metal band Abysmal Dawn do a playthrough of their song "Lament Configuration" using the new LTD F Black Metal and LTD M-4 Black Metal bass. The F Black Metal adds...
Scour: "Doom", featuring the LTD Black Metal Series
Scour, the black metal supergroup featuring Philip H. Anselmo (Pantera), John Jarvis (Agoraphobic Nosebleed), Derek Engemann (Philip H. Anselmo & The Illegals), Adam Jarvis (Pig Destroyer), and Mark Kloeppel (Misery...
LTD Phoenix Black Metal Demo by Mark Kloeppel (Misery Index)
ESP artist Mark Kloeppel of American death metal band Misery Index tries out the new LTD Phoenix Black Metal, takes you through its features and specs, and compares it to the LTD Phoenix that he used as his main guitar for...
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