Adrian "The Mallet" Ramirez
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Adrian "The Mallet" Ramirez updated his profile

Adrian "The Mallet" Ramirez became friends with Sarek S.

Adrian "The Mallet" Ramirez became friends with GuitarBeastKing

Adrian "The Mallet" Ramirez liked the forum post ESP APP
So is there a way I can tag ESP in this forum so they can see the support?
No joke. I would love to see the ESP app where you can check your notifications for conversation replies, etc.
Anything you can do on this website.......MORE »

Adrian "The Mallet" Ramirez liked the comment on WInner's Circle: Lamb of God JC-4 Bass Sweepstakes
Life has a way of seeming like no matter how hard I work or remain on my path & purpose, I never really win anything when it comes to raffles, drawings, sweepstakes etc etc. I was in complete shock to find out I had won......MORE »

Adrian "The Mallet" Ramirez liked the comment on WInner's Circle: Lamb of God JC-4 Bass Sweepstakes
Damn, I wish I had one of those......MORE »

Adrian "The Mallet" Ramirez liked the comment on WInner's Circle: Lamb of God JC-4 Bass Sweepstakes
hI, se ve muy aerodinamico y sobrio, realmente gustaria probarlo para buscar su sonoridad y poder explorar sus posibilidades. Un gran instrumento. Muchas gracias por producirlo.
hI, it looks very aerodynamic and......MORE »

Adrian "The Mallet" Ramirez posted a comment on the article WInner's Circle: Lamb of God JC-4 Bass Sweepstakes
Life has a way of seeming like no matter how hard I work or remain on my path & purpose, I never really win anything when it comes to raffles, drawings, sweepstakes etc etc. I was in complete shock to find out I had won......MORE »