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chrisss disliked the comment on TE-1000 EVERTUNE
I hate the look and feel of the Tele body. Very unbalanced design. When you let go of the neck it falls to the floor. One has to hold the weight of the neck up while playing. Horrible. Please discontinue. ......MORE »

chrisss posted a comment on the article Welcome to the ESP Family: Brian “Head” Welch
Amazing Guitar. It's great to see ESP/LTD going on with this remarkable stuff like evertune and fishman pickups!......MORE »

chrisss liked the article Welcome to the ESP Family: Brian “Head” Welch
American musician and songwriter Brian “Head” Welch is one of the newest members of the ESP artist family, but he’s certainly a familiar name for metal fans around the world. Brian is a co-founder of the highly influential......MORE »

chrisss disliked the video "Game of Thrones" Cover by ESP Player Srod Almenara

chrisss replied to the forum post LTD EC 25.5 inch scale!
LTD K-500. EC with 25.5 scale and 24 Frets. But hard to find used.........MORE »