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David Sanchez

David Sanchez became friends with Flynn

David Sanchez

David Sanchez became friends with Harry Gandler

Harry Gandler
David Sanchez

David Sanchez became friends with Roelof W.

Roelof W.
David Sanchez

David Sanchez became friends with Sam O.

Sam O.
David Sanchez

David Sanchez updated his profile

David Sanchez

David Sanchez became friends with Charles S. Langston

Charles S. Langston
David Sanchez

David Sanchez became friends with Thomas K.

Thomas K.
David Sanchez

David Sanchez updated his profile

Ingrid S.

Keeping busy with my guitar for a few hours today. I am getting braver on my guitar . 

Ingrid S.

Hey there my name is Ingrid Stewart and I am a very big fan of yours. Your music makes me happy and makes me want to be a great guitar player 

David Sanchez

Thanks a lot for the kind words and support.  Practice when you feel you need to improve and most importantly, have fun!