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Deni replied to the forum post Any Original VP-s out there? (Viper shape)
That's a standard series, not Original series for Japanese market. ......MORE »

Deni replied to the forum post Authenticate used Esp products
What about modified guitars?
I have a couple repainted ones, almost all of them have other than stock pickups, some have new tuners and other mechanics.......MORE »

Deni replied to the forum post Authenticate used Esp products
Hey Tony and thank you for clarifying!
I'm glad there's a way however since I live in Sweden, Europe and there is no ESP manufacturing nowhere near here, that would require sending 8 guitars across the globe. That sounds......MORE »

Deni replied to the forum post Authenticate used Esp products
I thought that's what I was doing when posting on this section.......MORE »

Deni became friends with Jason Brown

Deni became friends with Alexandru Z.

Deni posted the forum post Authenticate used Esp products
Hi Esp,Thanx for a bunch of great products! I have several Esp guitars but I've bought most of them on the second hand market. I'm wondering if there's a way for me to get my guitars authenticated by Esp? There's quite a high......MORE »
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