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So just got myself an ltd ex-400 :) honestly happy as hell to finally own one of these beasts. - updated
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FenrirWolf17 updated his profile status
So just got myself an ltd ex-400 :) honestly happy as hell to finally own one of these beasts.

FenrirWolf17 posted a comment on the group Ex Owners
Ltd EX-400 in White ......MORE »

FenrirWolf17 joined the group Ex Owners

FenrirWolf17 became friends with JAMES M.

FenrirWolf17 posted a comment on FenrirWolf17's profile
So the 24th me and my buddies in Winters Hammer have our second practice, looking forward to it, but really looking forward to seeing what the days results will show.......MORE »

FenrirWolf17 updated his profile

FenrirWolf17 joined the group flying v owners/fans

FenrirWolf17 posted a comment on the group Original death metal
Thats awesome, so you saw them on thr Inked in Steel tour, I'll be watching Death To All with Massacre in March ......MORE »
So the 24th me and my buddies in Winters Hammer have our second practice, looking forward to it, but really looking forward to seeing what the days results will show.