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Badger posted a comment on the product LTD KH DEMONOLOGY
not sure if you are USA or Canada but there is one in canada for sale through Long and McQuade Music store which is a very large chain store... at Pickering ontario for 1869. canadian dollars as of January 5th 2020 left......MORE »

Badger liked the profile status Check out my guitar + bass cover of Deep Purple "Wasted Sunsets", out on...
Check out my guitar + bass cover of Deep Purple "Wasted Sunsets", out on YouTube now! Featuring my ESP LTD Elite J4 bass:

Badger became friends with GuitarBeastKing

Badger replied to the forum post New band i am in Christian Black Metal
wow. so awesome to read about your profile. I just ordered a esp lt mh 1000hs. i love writing songs.. would love to hear your stuff.i live in ottawa canada. I try to learn from every genre of music and try to come up with......MORE »
I just bought the ESP ltd MH1000 HS violet Left-handed. should arrive Feb 2021. I've been looking for a pro level guitar for years.
Please tell me that the High E string is NOT too close to the fretboard edge. so many guitars i've tried...high E falls off fretboard with pull offs etc.