Ilgaz Alaca
What do you mean I don't believe in God? I talk to him every day! - updated
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Ilgaz Alaca joined the group Doom/Stoner/Sludge

Ilgaz Alaca voted on the poll If you could choose one brand that you could get 10 guitars (or basses) for free, which brand would you pick?
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Ilgaz Alaca updated his profile

Ilgaz Alaca posted a comment on the poll Write a comment below and say which guitars you own!

Ilgaz Alaca voted on the poll Write a comment below and say which guitars you own!
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Ilgaz Alaca voted on the poll Active or Passive pickups?
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Ilgaz Alaca voted on the poll Boss ME 80 Yeah or No and why? anybody have experience with this?
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Ilgaz Alaca voted on the poll What products would you like to see next?
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