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LaRaikaa posted a comment on the product ESP RZK-II BURNT
If I custom ordered the ESP RZK-1 Burnt, would it cost around the same as this guitar? Or is there always an additional charge for a custom shop order? I assume that all these guitars are made to order anyway, right?
Also,......MORE »

LaRaikaa posted the forum post ESP Japanese custom, bad case
Hi, first post, so sorry if this isn't in the right place.
I have an ESP Japanese artist signature series guitar that I bought from Japan, but the standard case it came in is pretty old and worn. I know ESP Japan has this......MORE »

LaRaikaa liked the forum post Re: My Richard Z Collection
Congrats man!! Love the colour on it. ......MORE »

LaRaikaa replied to the forum post My Richard Z Collection
Posted here 2 years ago, sorry for the rebump. I just wanted to say I finally got my hands on the ESP AW-800! Arguably the hardest of Richard's guitars to find lol.
Uploading some photos.......MORE »

LaRaikaa replied to the forum post My Richard Z Collection
Hey Sorry for the bump, but you said that AW-800 is a replica? How did you get one made? That guitar would be one of my Holy Grails, since I'm a huge fan of the guitarist it was designed for.......MORE »