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Llobby Lloyd

Llobby Lloyd liked the comment on EC-1000 EVERTUNE

I have this guitar and I have to say it's the best guitar I've ever played. The EverTune bridge is incredible, I've never heard a guitar sound so perfectly in tune all of the time. Even after 3 flights around the world from......MORE »
Llobby Lloyd

Llobby Lloyd became friends with Amir Hossein Veghar Farahnak

Amir Hossein Veghar Farahnak
Llobby Lloyd

Llobby Lloyd uploaded a photo

Llobby Lloyd

Llobby Lloyd uploaded a photo

Llobby Lloyd

Llobby Lloyd uploaded a photo

Llobby Lloyd

Llobby Lloyd uploaded a photo

Llobby Lloyd

Llobby Lloyd posted the photo album Jan 3rd with Comeback Kid

Llobby Lloyd

Llobby Lloyd updated his profile
