Louis Torres Photography
LMAO! Just bought an ESP KH2 for $850 bolt-on from ebaY. No, I don't buy LTD guitars and refuse to even hold one. I'm an old school hardcore guitarist from Brooklyn (founding guitarist of Indecision) and no, I would never play or even consider buying an LTD. Why would I bother when I can buy a used ESP and have an infinitely better guitar than the best LTDs on the market! Again, like I always express to others, don't buy an LTD when for a few hundreds more, you can buy an ESP! Mind you, I now have 25 guitars total with this KH2, making my ESP collection at eight (8) ESP guitars. I'll post photos when it comes in. Next two in line will be the ESP George Lynch and DAMN IT, the very last one will be the ESP Jeff Hanneman but that one is hyper expensive, even for me! - updated
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So, I'm on ebaY the other day and I see that some guy is selling not one but TWO ESP Standards...!! One is an ESP M-I Standard with string thru body in matte black and the other was an ESP Horizon NTB NT-II in blue + string through also. Turns out he lived just a few towns over from me so we chatted for a bit and came up with $1,500 for both guitars. Picked the two up today and handed him cash. : ) So, if you don't think you could find a great deal on gorgeous ESP guitars, you're nuts. Luck + patience and you'll find great guitars that are infinitely better than LTD/ E-II. Here are the seven ESP guitars I now own.