Michael "Shredder" Thomas
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Writing the first album with my band Weary of Sorrows! so stoked!!! - updated
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Michael "Shredder" Thomas posted the forum post LTD M-300FM STBC case
Is there a tombstone case that fits the M-300FM? ......MORE »

Michael "Shredder" Thomas became friends with Athanasius J Richard

Michael "Shredder" Thomas became friends with Travis L.

Michael "Shredder" Thomas liked the forum post Re: Floyd Rose on Vampire Biotech
Find a luthier (a stringed instrument maker) or reputable repair shop near you and talk with them about what you'd like to do. They might have a different or better solution for you as well.
But don't think it's an easy job......MORE »

Michael "Shredder" Thomas replied to the forum post Floyd Rose on Vampire Biotech
Where would I be able to go to get a Floyd rose installed? And this post was super helpful!......MORE »

Michael "Shredder" Thomas liked the forum post Re: Floyd Rose on Vampire Biotech
Well, here's a few options:
1) Buy the LTD and live with the tune-o-matic (least expensive)
2) Buy the LTD and have a Floyd installed (fairly costly, considering the cost to have the body routed and hardware installed)
3)......MORE »

Michael "Shredder" Thomas updated his profile status
Writing the first album with my band Weary of Sorrows! so stoked!!!

Michael "Shredder" Thomas became friends with Elias Viljanen
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